Providing Scouting for young people in Burgess Hill aged from 4 - 14 years
Providing Scouting for young people in Burgess Hill aged from 4 - 14 years
Providing Scouting for young people in Burgess Hill aged from 4 - 14 years
Providing Scouting for young people in Burgess Hill aged from 4 - 14 years

Squirrels meets on Monday afternoons 4.30-5.30pm term time only. Squirrels are the newest branch of the Scouts family tree for 4–6-year-olds. They have fun and make friends whilst developing skills they’ll use for the rest of their lives. Squirrels are wild about the great outdoors. They tell stories and play games.

St Edwards Beavers meet on a Monday evening from 6.00 pm. to 7.15 pm. The Beaver section has a widely varied programme and details of what they have been up to can be found on their Facebook page - see the link below. The Beaver Scout age range is from 6 - 8 years and is open to both boys and girls. More information

Cub Scouts meet on a Thursday evening. Lots of activities, both indoor and outdoor, challenges and badges go to make this a really fun section. The Cub Scout age range is from 8 - 10½ years and is open to both boys and girls. More information

The Scout Troop meets on a Friday night from 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm. Numbers in the section are climbing and we see most of the Cub Scouts moving into the Scout Section. The Scout age range is from 10½ to 14 years and is open to both boys and girls. More information

Group Scout Leader – Leanne Penfold
Group Chairman – Allan Mansfield
Group Treasurer – Roger Sadler
Squirrels Leader – Caroline Mace
Beavers Leader – James Penfold
Cubs Leader – Lynne Howard
Scouts Leader – Caroline Mace

The 8th Burgess Hill Scout Group is featured on a number of Facebook Groups. Links to some of these (including closed groups) are shown here.
Squirrels | Beavers | Pathfinder Cubs | Scouts

The group needs more help. The section leaders and assistants are too thin on the ground as are the behind the scenes people. There have been occasions when weekly meetings have been cancelled due to lack of leaders and adult helpers. The Group Executive committee has too few members. Find out more
Find Us
The location of the group is the Scout Hut in Royal George Road adjacent to St Edwards Church. The postcode is RH15 9SL. The main entrance is through the church car park and we have a disabled access entrance from the pavement right by the bus stop.